ASCE-NH Newsletter January 2022 | Page 12

February 2022 ASCE-NH Section Lunch & Learn Webinar Presented By : Theresa Andrejack-Loux , PhD , P . E . & Benjamin Cote , P . E ., ENV SP

WHEN : Wednesday , February 23 , 2022 WHERE : Zoom Video Communications ( Anywhere !!) PRESENTATION : An Introduction to Ultra-lightweight Foamed Glass Aggregate ( UL-FGA )

Ultra-lightweight Foamed Glass Aggregate ( UL-FGA ) is a lightweight fill alternative that is used on infrastructure , commercial , and residential projects . Beneficial properties of UL-FGA include a low unit weight (< 15 pcf dry density ), good insulating value , high friction angle , non-reactive and non-leaching behavior , volume stability , and porosity . Additionally , the material is made from 100 % recycled glass and has an attractive carbon and energy footprint compared to other lightweight fill options . This presentation will cover the physical and engineering properties of UL-FGA , application areas , design considerations , sustainability and ISI Envision considerations , and greater-New England case studies from projects that have utilized UL-FGA in design and construction .

Join ASCE-NH for this 1.0-PDH lecture to learn more about this lightweight fill alternative that can address numerous on-site civil engineering challenges and be a sustainable solution through the beneficial reuse of glass containers .