On the Exam Day

*Wake up early so that you do not need to rush through having breakfast and get ready

*Verify once again the subject, venue and time of the exam

* Have a balanced breakfast

* Before leaving home, check that you have everything that you will need – ID, stationery etc.

* Reach exam hall at least 30 minutes early. Never wait for the last vehicle to catch

* There are people around who are panicking, avoid them.

* Go to the toilet before the exam starts.

At the Exam Hall

* Assure that your handwriting is legible and the presentation is good

* Use appropriate headings and subheadings, diagrams, flowcharts etc.

* Remember to write your name/Register Number on the exam paper.

* Manage your time after a quick scan of the question paper. Never write too much and eating away your time

* Start answering the questions that you feel most confident about which will make you more comfortable

* If your feel blank, just start writing anything and you will soon start remembering more details.

o Don’t hesitate to ask the examiner if you are not clear on a question

o Review your answers before handing back the paper