Believe in yourself, nurture your talent and be a winner in your area of interest/expertise.
Think Positive
Be a person of positivity and be optimistic. If you always imagine and anxious about failures, you will be a failure. But if you dream and visualise success, you will be successful.
Physically Agile
Never forget to keep your body fit and agile. Mind and body are connected. Good physical exhaustion and exercise will make your rate of metabolism high
and keeps brain active. allocate atleast 30 minutes a day for physical exercises, yoga and meditation.
Eat Healthy
Avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods. These will only increase your stress levels. Instead, go for plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins like fish. Avoid caffeine, Drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other highly-caffeinated beverages can actually make you more anxious or nervous before an exam, which leads to poorer performance. Eating dark chocolate which is over 70% cocoa fights the exam stress hormone cortisol and has an overall relaxing effect on the body. Plus chocolate releases endorphins which act as a natural stress fighter.