weights, buying investment properties and even
Take the teen-swooning saga Twilight for example:
getting our eggs frozen (just in case)... And if
it is Bella who eventually holds the key to saving
you’re lucky we have left you a post–it note in our
everyone, including the main hero. #justsaying
absence saying where you can contact us! While
Love vs. Sex
These two seem to have been confused with one
another over the evolution of love stories. In
traditional fairytales love was the answer; it was
pure, unconditional, instant and even magical
enough to break spells. The “kiss” that once was
the climax and totally essential to every story
(pretty sure Disney has this down pat!) has now
been debased to full-blown erotic sex, as is deemed
sociably acceptable in your latest bestselling
romance novel. Love, it would seem, now comes
after sex – and the ideal of waiting for “true love”
is seen as frivolous, ridiculous and in some way
unattainable and unrealistic (so we should just
settle for an orgasm instead??) Love is the ultimate
gol, Love is the ultimate goal, and of course is
Sno While Snow White was content to pick up
essential to every romance story ever told –
after seven men and then be kissed by a random, it
however it is not as sacred as it used to be. Even
seems we have become a little bit pickier about
Cinderella is no longer looked at in the same light,
who we invite into our lives and our hearts. With
thanks to the Hollywood movie Pretty Woman,
each year that passed in the progression of
which portrays the childhood story in a modern
traditional to modern we seem to have found our
scenario involving prostitution, money, and
voice and strength to be completely fine on our
drugs... hmm, must say I never did picture my
own without a man, and very capable of paddling
favourite princess being a whore, but hey, if it can
up a certain creek without a paddle! Gone are the
work for her then surely any other normal woman
days when it seemed completely normal for
in her 30’s with a day job can find someone,
Sleeping Beauty to, well... sleep it out until her
right?! But if there is one thing that society’s
Prince had slain the dragon. Instead we are
moerBut if there is one thing that society’s modern
influenced by literature and media that suggests it
take on romance has taught us for good, it is to
is not us who need the man, but rather that he
remove the rose-coloured glasses from our eyes
needs us: we have become his rescuer. Yes, it’s
and reveal that love is indeed hard work, painful,
true that as the female gender role became stronger
takes trial and error, doesn’t conquer all, but does
in society, so it did in modern-day love stories.
exist and is worth all the crap in between!