ArtView August 2013 | Page 27

What are the things that inspire you in writing a song? Life in general, I could be driving down an empty street and something will just pop up in my head. Or it could be something I’m going through that helped me write a hit single. You have become very popular in Europe, and especially in Romania. Your international release "Laugh Till You Cry" was at no.1 in Romania for 6 consecutive weeks. You then embarked on a very successful tour of the country. Why do you think that you have such a special following in Romania? I honestly don’t know, but what I do know is they are one of the nicest people I have ever come across. They have embraced my music so much and I’ll forever be grateful. The music video for “Laugh Till You Cry” has had over 2 million views on YouTube. What is your approach to making a video for one of your songs? We have two videos online, one video has reached 2 million and the other has reached 15 million so it’s been a blessing. As for a video it all comes down to simplicity. The popularity of this song also led you to perform in Germany in late October for the Glamotion festival, alongside m ?????"'F?7G2?v?Bv2?B??RF?W&f?&?F?W&S??Bv2F?RfW'?f?'7BF??R?W&f?&?VBF?7&?vB?WG6?FR?bW7G&??B?Bv2???V?B?( ????WfW"v?BF???RF????&RF?RV?F?W2F?B??Rv??B6??s??BFWV?G2??F?RvV?&R?'WBf?"?R?N( ?2?V??G??B???W7G?F?&?Vv??&?72???R&V?V6VB??W"6??v?R( ?f?&vWBF?Rv?&?B?d??( ????V?#"?v?F?&?B7V66W72??F?Rf?&vWB?F??V"V??R??F?R?F?W"6?FR?bF?Rv?&?B6??F??r??W"?W6?3??N( ?26?7W'&V???N( ?2??7&VF?&?R??