Arts & International Affairs Volume 5, Number 1, Summer 2020 | Page 7

ARTS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Literature Ahmed, Sara. (2012) On Being Included. Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life, Duke University Press, Durham. Bennett, Tony. (2001) Differing diversities. Cultural policy and cultural diversity. Strasbourg Cedex: Council of Europe Publishing. Brown, Marion T. et al. (2019) Moves Towards Equity: Perspectives from Arts Leaders of Color. 02fbb84ad963f782ebfed/1568681918026/Moves+Towards+Equity+-+Final.pdf (Accessed 18 January 2020). Canas, Tania. (2017) Diversity is a white word, news-article/opinions-and-analysis/professional-development/tania-canas/diver sity-is-a-white-word-252910 (Accessed 19 February 2017). Cuyler, Antonio. (2015) An Exploratory Study of Demographic Diversity in the Arts Management Workforce, Published in: GIA Reader, Vol 26, No 3 (Fall 2015). Dubois, Vincent. (2016) Culture as a Vocation. Sociology of career choices in cultural management. New York: Routledge. Durrer, Victoria/Henze, Raphaela. (2018) Leaving comfort zones. In Arts Management Quarterly, Leaving comfort zones. Cultural Inequalities, No. 129, June 2018, 3. George, Nelson. (2005) hiphopamerica. New York: Penguin Group. Henze, Raphaela. (2017) Introduction to International Arts Management. Wiesbaden: Springer Purwar, Nirmal. (2004) Space Invaders: Race, Gender, and Bodies out of Place. Oxford: Berg Publishers. Schonfeld, Roger C./ Sweeny, Liam. (2016) Diversity in the New York City. Department of Cultural Affairs Community sity-in-the-new-york-city-department-of-cultural-affairs-community/ (Accessed 5 December 2016). 4