Arts & International Affairs Volume 5, Number 1, Summer 2020 | Page 17

ARTS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS �Art History and Criticism Reviews, published by the Faculty of Arts, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. The piece 'Collaborating with a stick: Algernon Schtick Meets Nina Bambina' will be published in 2020 in 'The Oxford Artistic & Practice Based Research Platform.' An article titled: 'Un-bonsai-ing my bonsai: a plant-based adaptation of Oresteia' is currently in preparation. Abstract The purpose of this article is to thoroughly interrogate the source of Nu Nu theatre artists’ anxiety and suspiciousness vis-à-vis ACE’s public engagement, relevance, and diversity requirements. The aim is to determine if our anxiety is totally unfounded or if, on the contrary, it is a response to less detectable nuances in ACE’s funding philosophy. Inevitably, the discussion will have to visit graver questions, like what makes (or is) an artist? or what is (or can be) the role of an artist in society? In this context, the approach that I take might appear somewhat unexpected. I link the sentiment of anxiety vis-à-vis funding from ACE to the cultural propaganda that we, Nu Nu’s artists, were (often subliminally) exposed to during our communist and post-communist lives in Romania. More precisely, I will draw a parallel between ACE’s public engagement, relevance, and diversity requirements, and the ideology of the large-scale cultural and artistic event organised under the control of the Romanian Communist Party, called Song of Romania. The working hypothesis is that the anxiety and suspiciousness felt versus ACE’s demands might indicate nothing more than an unresolved post-traumatic, post-communist fearfulness. Therefore, there is a danger that this article might be just a paranoid reaction triggered by a distant, traumatic, and unresolved past. Nonetheless, that might not be the case. Keywords: Theatre, public engagement, diversity LO HARÉ CUANDO LA DAMA JUDI DENCH LO HAGA. SONG OF ROMANIA Y ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND: UNA CUESTIÓN DE COMPROMISO PÚBLICO, RELEVANCIA Y DIVERSIDAD EN LA CREACIÓN DE TEATRO Resumen El propósito de este artículo es interrogar a fondo la fuente de ansiedad y sospecha de los artistas de teatro de Nu Nu en relación con los requisitos de participación pública, relevancia y diversidad de ACE. El 14