Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 25

Heenisha Reddy B, ETM 2/4 Drug Addiction. Simple question asked by many, Why drugs? You can quit if you want to! But, It is not that simple. We mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain, in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Lets support our fellow mates! . B.Shethala, CSE 2/4Yes, Pulwama Attack. Whose fault? Do you support Indian Air Force Surgical Strikes 2.0? Do we want war? Will you be at the border to face the enemy? Love! I love my kid as your mother loves you. But, I am afraid I cannot give my offspring the childhood, I had few year s ago. A childhood it deserves. And the reason, is YOU! The next generation will have no habitat if this continues… Love is not limited to people around us, or to our belongings, its universal. Love, towards nature is supreme love. Let’s live together on our planet. Save Earth, Save Us! Jishita Reddy, Ece 1/4 The power of woman, As fragile as a flower, But as strong as a tycoon! The empowerment of women in art , is often represented in the form of anger and rebellion , But, our perception of it, is th roug love,empathy and kindness. Though it cannot be celebrated in a day, we still celebrate Women's Day.