Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 23

POWER OF ART TO CREATE A SOCIETAL AWARENESS P. Aishwarya CSE 3/4 We are complete only by small pieces. Generally, a fox is depicted to show the cunningness or unfaithfulness. But the question is, are we free from it? Can we overcome it? Is the present generation equipped to face the inner demons? Vaishnavi Depally, EEE-B (3/4) "KISAN, THE REAL KINGS AND QUEENS BEHIND INDIA" India is a country whose backbone is agriculture. Do we know their hardships? Does the present generation eating burgers and pizza, know the pain behind growing the raw materials? Just a quick question, name the seasons of harvest and how many months does it take grow a rice field? The most common form of abusing now-a-days is online abusing, especially body shaming! Were you a part of it? Do you feel insecure about yourself? Are you afraid to wear a dress or post a photo? How can we stop it? It starts from us! Let’s stop judging. We are not fashion police. And, we should acknowledge, every one has a right to dress their own, though not mentioned in fundamental rights!