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Gavel Clubs

Gavel clubs are a way of providing Toastmasters’ self-improvement methods and materials to people who may be ineligible for regular membership due to age, inability to pay dues or other circumstances. Gavel clubs provide Toastmasters members and clubs with an excellent opportunity for community service. They can be found in high schools, colleges, rehabilitation institutions, hospitals and elsewhere.

How Do Gavel Clubs Operate?

In many ways, Gavel clubs operate in the same way ordinary Toastmasters clubs do. They have the same club officer titles, use the same communication track manuals and follow similar club meeting protocols.

Who are Gaveliers?

Like Toast master club members are called Toastmasters (TM) ; Gavel club members are called Gaveliers (in short Gav.).

Gavel Clubs in Abu Dhabi...

There are eight gavel clubs operating in Abu Dhabi: ISC Gavel club, Inner Universe Gavel club, Galaxy Gavel club, Millenium Gavel club, Al –Jazira gavel club, Mussaffa Gavel club, Abu Dhabi Chapter & Gulf Gavels. All these clubs meet for Gavel Division Conference everywhere, which is an occasion to compete hone the skills and excel.

Where leaders are made