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How to prepare a mind map:

My experience is to use sketch pens and drawing books for mind-mapping. Don’t become too tech savvy with all modern softwares for mind map preparation. There is a time to use computers and there is a time not to use computers, mind mapping is one such occasion. I would say, mind mapping is more effective when hand written.

-Topic should be evident either through a drawing or title written at the centre of the page

-Sub-topics or headings emerge from the main topic in several branches. You can use the same color for all the sub-topics

-The key words or things to remember under each sub-topic shall be drawn on in further smaller branches. Depending on the level of detail use different identical colours and styles. Use as many keywords, symbols, images as possible.

-The following fig.2 is one such mind map I prepared for physics.

These mind maps come very handy to use during the final revisions before the exam. I have even extended this to take notes during my Bible study, one mind map for one book of the bible. It has not only helped me but also my entire family. Start using mind mapping in your daily studies and let me know how it helped you.