Art Folio CKV Jun. 2014 | Page 5

The boy in the striped pajamas is a film made in 2008. it is about a boy who makes friends with a Jew in a concentration camp in WW2. I like this film so much, since you know beforehand what is going on in those camps. But you are still shocked by what you see. The film takes a bit too long and that is why it isn’t higher on my list. Slumdog millionaire was produced in 2008 and it won 8 acadamy awards in the same year. It is about a boy trying to find his lost love. I like it so much, because there is a nice plot in the story and you can see the cultural differences between us and the poor parts of India very well. This is why it is better than the other two, in which there isn’t taken a look at cultural differences so much.