bond with my mother as well and she is very important for me. Also some of the thing he said in his
songs I recognised in myself and this makes it emotional as well. I approached the performance very
open minded, because I just wanted to see what was coming and don’t do a thorough investigation
on the artist before we went to the show. Also I was very curious about how everybody around the
performance was acting, what they were doing and if they do this every day. I wasn’t prejudiced
about the performance, because I know what was coming so that wasn’t a big point. I changed my
mind about how I should deal with my family and that they are very important to me. When my
grandfather passed away I already came to know this, but after this performance this feeling was
only enhanced by the lyrics of Kraantje. That is also why is was an eye-opening experience. Overall I
think this performance was very educational for me and it triggered quite some of my emotions and
Foto of us with
Kraantje Pappie