I liked the performance a lot. Beforehand I thought it would be boring and dull, but once in the
theatre, I enjoyed it very much. The play was also very spectacular, because there were a lot of
dancers dancing at the same time and I like action a lot. There were also some slow pieces. Some of
them took a long time and I didn’t like those so much. I can really understand very well why people
would like these performances so much. I enjoyed it myself and it was definitely worth the 5 Euros I
paid for it, but I wouldn’t pay 30 Euros to go to one of these appearences. I also like it very much that
you could ask questions after the show. This was a try-out and done for the first time. Normally you
would just leave and stay with questions in the back of your head of how those dancers practiced
and how they put their emotions into the play so much. That the artist put their emotions into their
actions so much was another aspect of why I liked the performance so much. I could really see that
they wanted to enjoy you and trigger your emotions. This absolutely worked out with me. I didn’t
cry, but still I could clearly feel my personal emotions. It also triggered my memories when the girl
was smashed by her first boyfriend, because I saw this happening, luckily not with my close friends. I
felt a bit frustrated and angry at that time, but I didn’t show this to the people sitting next to me,
because I didn’t think they should be aware of my emotions as well. I was curious about why Isabelle
chose for the chosen set-up, because the lights were sometimes on the wrong place to my feeling. I
didn’t pay too much attention to this, since I didn’t think it was that important. I changed my mind
about relationships after the performance. Before the show I was kind of looking for a relationship.
But now I don’t anymore, because I think it takes too much time and $