CA 2 Ballet
General information
On the 30th of November I went to a ballet, Et Apres, from Isabelle Beernaert preformed in the
Orpheus. It started at 8pm and it took 1,5 hours. It is a story about a girl who deals with relationship
problems. Her first boyfriend smashes her and she leaves him. Then she gets raped, but someone
tries to save her from this and he becomes her new boyfriend and they live happily ever after. The
theme of this ballet is love, because it’s all about love and relationships.
Why did we went to this activity?
We went to this ballet, because there were a lot of dancers in it which we knew from: So you think
you can dance and The ultimate dance battle. Also it was only for 5 Euros and a normal ticket would
cost almost 6 times that price. Also I was very interested in this play, because there is a storyline, but
it is also very nice to watch.
Some of the artists and Isabelle Beernaert herself compete in the popular TV-series: So you think you
can dance and The ultimate dance battle. Isabelle Beernaert went to the royal ballet academy in
Antwerp. After that she started to makes ballet and modern dance plays. Et Apres was her second
major piece. The play was performed in the Wegenerzaal in Orpheus. There was a large stage and so
lots of space for the artists to dance. The organisation probably chose for this music hall, because of
its big space. The genres of the play are ballet, modern dance and a bit of break-dance. The ballet
was mostly done by the girls in the play and the break-dance by the boys. Both of them did modern
dance. This performance is quite important for the ballet genre, since it really sets a model for other
chorographers to aim for. This make the whole genre better, because all the different chorographers
want to surpass each other and this makes all pieces better. This play represents the Dutch culture
quite a lot. The changing of partners and problems in relationships suits our culture very well. It took
Isabelle Beernaert and her artist approximately three months to practice the show. I know this,
because after the appearance we could ask questions to Isabelle and the dancers and we could go on
a picture with them. Unfortunately, my mom was waiting outside so we didn’t have time to go on a
picture with her and the artists.