ART Dentistry Dental Bridges Invisalign Teeth Whitening | Page 6
When Is It Time To Invest
In Invisalign
• When your teeth have become a source of embarrassment and you
constantly try to restrict your smile or avoid showing your teeth in
photographs or social situations. Your teeth help build or break your self-
esteem. Good teeth can help you look better, more attractive, and increase
your chances of success in organizations. Invisalign can help you feel good
about yourself.
• Think better oral health and hygiene. When you have well-shaped teeth,
you can brush and floss them easily. You would also be sparing yourself
from gum diseases and plaque build-up in the unreachable or neglected
parts of your mouth.
• It’s not only oral hygiene you’re talking about here. Straightened teeth can
spare you from speech problems, broken teeth, and headaches. When you
have misaligned or yellow teeth, your mental health is also affected.
Straightening your teeth can help you get rid of these troubles and live a
better life.
• Do you like the look of traditional braces sticking out on your teeth in front
of photos? No, right? All that wiring and bands – who likes the look of that?
Invisalign is a great choice because no one would be able to tell you ‘re
wearing braces at all.
• They are removable and can save you time and money. They are more
comfortable to wear. They can also improve your overall health and