Art Chowder September | October Issue No. 29 | Page 15
M.J.: Comic cons, huh? That begs the question
then, what was the weirdest thing you’ve ever
Brandy: Ha. Because I split my art up between
types of shows — fine art and fan art — I have
had some odd commission requests. Originally,
I was going to say it would have to be an original
warrior elephant I created for someone’s
Dungeons & Dragons character but then I
remembered a sketch I did for a podcast of the
Mothman fighting the Van Meter Visitor.
M.J.: That’s awesome! So weird question ... if
you could invite three people (from any time or
place) over for a dinner party, who would you
Brandy: This is the hardest question to answer.
My mother would easily be put on any list but
then what kind of conversation am I trying to
have with the others? Is it art-centered? Are
they celebrities? Is it a career push? I’m going
to narrow it down to Heidi Luerra and Oprah
M.J.: You are the new vice president of River
Ridge Association of Fine Arts (RRAFA). Do
you have plans for RRAFA?
September | October 2020 15