Art Chowder November | December 2023 Issue 48 | Page 72

“ Art is for everyone , especially public art , and that

“ I have a tendency to jump in with both feet .”

Soranka held free workshops where artists and community members contributed to decorating tiles that now adorn the finished sculpture . “ That was the first mosaic I ’ d ever done . I have a tendency to jump in with both feet .” This large project was supported by the Spokane Arts Commission , as well as the local neighborhood and businesses . She and Soranaka even won a SAGA grant to cover materials for the project . The sculpture represents light and color , community and diversity , and the beauty in shining through dark times together .
As she grows as an artist and takes on more , bigger projects , she would like to keep experimenting with new materials and combinations , as well as refine her style . She ’ s a long-time admirer of artists Harold Balazs and Melissa Cole , for their ability to balance honing their style with their versatility of medium .
“ Regardless of media , my art tends to be brightly colored and a bit whimsical , usually with a dash of social commentary . There is often a focus on community ; sometimes through community involvement in the piece itself , or in examining the community we have built and our place within the larger whole . There are a lot of things to be critical of in this era we are living through , but there is also hope to be found , and my work tends to be hopeful and optimistic that our community will grow , adapt , and overcome . Representation is also extremely important to me in my art practice . I want my work to be relatable to everyone , and if I have human figures in my work I want everyone to be able to see themselves in it , so I endeavor to include a diverse variety of ages , races , body types , and abilities . Art is for everyone , especially public art , and that accessibility is a huge draw for me , and a responsibility that I take seriously .”
“ Art is for everyone , especially public art , and that
accessibility is a huge draw for me , and a responsibility that I take seriously .”
As she refines her skills and her style , Battista has every intention of continuing to explore new and new-to-her ways of making art while holding tight to her core values . “ Next , I am really interested in combining glass , steel , and concrete for some fantastical outdoor
“ Giant Octopus Dream ” Mural | 2020