pon returning to the Tri-Cities he secured a job in the
graphics art department of a local college where he expanded
his graphic design talents and ambitions by learning about
publishing, printing, marketing, advertising and the media.
Scott ultimately gained the position of Administrator and
Director of Graphics and Printing. Those college days
rewarded Scott with a thoroughly enjoyable and solid
20-year career in which further education was granted
to him as well as to his students.
As Scott began preparing for the next phase in his
multi-faceted life he fell in love with and married
Dawn, a recently graduated nurse, and in 1999 they
were blessed with the birth of their first child, daughter
Having completed his tenure at the college Scott was
searching for a new, hopefully creative and fulfilling, way
of supporting his family. This became even more of a
focus with the subsequent birth of their second
child, son Stanton.
Harking back to his childhood love
and curiosity of music along with
the design and creation of the
instruments which make it,
Scott began building custom
handcrafted guitars to his own
specifications. His passion
for art and music were now
becoming fused into a
tangible product which had
the potential to be sold and
create some level of income.
Fortunately at this time
opportunity was at hand
when the online site Ebay
became established and
offered an ideal sales platform
for Scott’s original guitar
creations to be sold globally.
Orders began coming in and soon
were increasing exponentially as
word was getting around about these
beautiful handcrafted guitars. Eventually
musical instrument suppliers began to notice
this demand and invited Scott to build his custom
Wilburn guitars to be included in their inventory. And
of course Scott designed the unique Wilburn decal that’s applied
to the headstock of every guitar he has built.
May | June 2019