Art Chowder July | August 2017, Issue 10 | Page 5

CONTENTS: 38 the salon of 1874 44 the challenge of excellent service 52 the best ice creams 58 advertiser directory 60 art chowder marketplace And The Dustbin of Art History By Melville Holmes Journey to the Plate : Part V By Julie Raftis-Litzenberger By Chandler Anderson Baird P ublisher 708 North Argonne Road #18 Spokane Valley Washington 99214 509-995-9958 ISSUE No. 10 www.a rtchow de r.c o m Dean Cameron [email protected] C reative D irector & E ditorial D esign Rebecca Lloyd [email protected] E ditor & P roofreader Ann Contois [email protected] A dvertising & S ales Ginny Brennan [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS: Charles Swanson: Chandra Dee Photography Sami Perry: Rogue Heart Media Emily Gwinn: Don and Julia Photography C ontributing W riters : Dean Cameron Karen Mobley Sami Perry Jocelyn Whitfield-Babcock Melville Holmes Julie Raftis-Litzenberger Chandler Anderson Baird Cover Artist Stephen Shortridge July | August 2017 5