From the
Dean Cameron
Summertime in our region is filled with countless events. We have farmers markets,
gallery shows, outdoor art events, music festivals and much more.
We have one of the Northwest’s most vibrant arts scenes but we might be missing
one main ingredient. YOU! All our priceless talent cannot continue without your
support. BBQs and beach time are great but you may be missing once in a lifetime
experiences – ones that many people may have invested tremendous time and energy
for your potential enjoyment.
In this issue we are pleased to share some great regional “gems” such as Stephen
Shortridge (Yes, our local TV celebrity, aka renowned Impressionist Artist) and some
heart-melting “Future Piccasos,” as well as Chuck Swanson - one of our celebrated
talents behind the saxophone. And much more!
Art Chowder exists to bring to you the personality of the arts in our community. The
experience goes well beyond the headlines and lists. It is the total contribution of the
many talented people who have invested themselves in the art of performing for you.
This summer is the perfect time to explore the talents our region has to offer. I prom-
ise you will not regret the experience!
pARTy on,
Dean Cameron
Art Chowder Magazine