How long has this been an interest?
often look for broken objects. When life is peaceful, I often
I have
been interested in the art of photography for a number of look for peaceful environments to capture.
years, but it wasn't until 2014 where I decided to get a good
I enjoy capturing landscapes the most because I get to see
camera to give this a try.
God's beauty - the enormity of it - in his landscapes. The
What is your favorite moment that you have goal of capturing a lot of these images is actually to display
God's creative nature and ability to design. I mean, I like
captured to date? The moment I captured Broken
Beauty. I took this photograph in July of 2014 just north of to capture moments, but I'm not the one who painted the
Moscow, ID. At that time, I was fairly new to photography landscape. I'm just capturing it for others to enjoy.
and was trying to learn as much as I could from other local
photographers. One of them told me to never take photos I enjoy capturing those old broken down objects because
from the backside of objects because people don't respond they all tell a story. We live in a culture where everything's
to those kinds of images. Naturally I didn't listen, mainly always new and we neglect the old. Old is history; it's a
because I didn't want to narrow my perception of photog- part of us. It shows where we came from, and it's unique
because it can't be re-written, only retold.
raphy, as I was so new to it. That next evening I decided I
would take a crack at getting the "forbidden" shot. I set up
Do you have any useful advice for emerging
and liked the composition but I still had this little voice
pushing back saying, "he's right you know, this isn't going photographers?
to work." I captured it anyways.
The two pieces of advice I always give to other aspiring
photographers are:
Right away I posted the shot on social media and sadly, I
didn't get the big response like I had hoped. It was a bit
1. People can spend loads of time researching the latest
disappointing at first, but months passed and the more I
fads and gear, but that does them no good if they aren't out
showed this image to others the better response I got. To
date, this is my most successful image and I’m glad I decid- there shooting and getting familiar with their gear and/or
ed to take the risk that day to get it. In the words of the late subjects. The more familiar a photographer is with his/her
Mohammad Ali, "He who is not courageous enough to take gear the more opportunities they will find.
risks will accomplish nothing in life." It’s become a motto
2. Take risks and explore various types of photography.
in many ways.
How can our readers find out more or follow
What do you personally look for or try to
capture in your images? What subjects in- your work?
spire you most? I often try and focus on one subject,
and make it the main object in the photograph. When I'm
looking for something to photograph,
I'm looking for a
contrast between
a subject (in the
foreground) and the
background. Also, all
of my landscape images include clouds,
as they provide
interest in the background color that
you often can't get
with clear blue skies.
I frequently study
the cloud formations
before sunset to see if
a scene will be worth
capturing or not.
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram, and visit my
website at:
I don't know if
subjects inspire me
as much as moods.
When life is hectic, I
July |August 2016 37