I was driving down a road where I’d never been before and I
saw these hay bales that were freshly cut. The sun was setting
and I saw the potential in the scene, so I quickly pulled over
and decided to take a shot at it, no pun intended.
Tony Thurber
y goal as a photographer is to bring raw, powerful and positive feelings to the viewer. We as individuals have
a very large range of emotions, so I like to keep things simple and focus on one: the experience of awe. Why that
feeling? Because its a fading emotion with my generation. We are so distracted that we have a hard time sitting still
and enjoying a moment. Too often we find ourselves living our lives through technology, and so we are robbed of
the moments and people around us. I use my work to inspire and motivate others to explore the beautiful creation
that surrounds us. My hope is that these photographs will help people to venture out and capture their own moments rather then watching other people live out their moments through a screen.”
How did you get started in photography?
Growing up I was constantly surrounded by art. My mother was a
stay-at-home-mom who also had an art studio in our basement. In my early teenage years, I liked the idea of art, but I wasn’t
patient enough to sit down and paint something. We didn’t have a lot of money, so getting a camera was out of the question,
except for those disposable ones. As I grew up and started living on my own, I found myself missing art so much that I decided I would give photography a real try. This was the first time in my life I could afford something that was better then a pointand-click camera. Turns out I wasn’t half-bad at it, and in recent years it has turned into a passion of mine.