The advent of the digital camera has hit us like a tidal wave . Virtually every American and millions of others around the world now have a camera in their cell phones . Everyone has the ability to capture a memory for life or fame . Even though the camera has proven itself the king of reproduction in terms of versatility and sheer quantity there are still those of us that think of this medium as art . We do not use a paintbrush or canvas , but then we see our camera as the canvas , the lens as our brush and as in all the arts except music , we use light to express our artistic side . Photographers who have chosen to pursue the photographic medium and use their talents and creative juices to make art seem to be in the minority . On one hand , decorators are reluctant to hang photographic images in homes or offices because painted mediums still enjoy the luxury of being unique and one of a kind . Artist ’ s paintings show forth the personality and character of the creator and therefore garner more accolades and popularity with those who care to stare . On the other hand , we find it hard to fit in with many photographers who insist that the camera is only to be used as a medium to capture precisely what the shooter ’ s eye sees when taking the picture . Being stuck between these two classes can be disheartening and challenging . I cannot take a camera to a watercolor class and I cannot take an artistic rendering of an image on canvas to many photographic venues , as I would be disqualified as ‘ too much processing ’.
So it is that we artistic photographers must keep our chins up and forge ahead . The good news is that our work is beginning to be accepted by more and more in both communities . This is good news and brightens the way for more creativity . As we blend these mediums together we don ’ t know how this will shape the future of art the world around . Already we have seen some amazing strides in the photographic venue that seem to grow and become more popular
every year . With a camera in every hand we could envision that every man , woman and child would become a photographer . I don ’ t believe this to be possible , just as we have not witnessed every child that ever painted in 3rd grade or did paint by numbers become artists of renown . First of all , there is very little money in making art in the painting world or in the photographic world . Secondly you soon find out what the phrase ‘ starving artist ’ really means . It really means starving ! My hat goes off to those who continue on with this passion to create and mimic the hand of the divine . We all strive to create emotion , beauty , décor , and put ourselves out there for better or worse . To all my starving friends I say , be a duck and let the comments run off your back . Be a sponge and absorb the amazing world around you . You are better for it .
Dean Huggins
Dean Huggins is a local photographer , husband , father , and friend . Dean lives with his wife in Eastern Washington and finds inspiration from spiritual sources and other photographers . He applies these insights in his photography and art .
www . deanhuggins . com