Art Chowder January | February, Issue 25 | Page 5

o CONTENTS: 40 myriad wines of fortification By Eric Cook 48 10 tips for balancing eating out and staying fit 57 regional report News and Updates From Regional Art Associations 58 HAYDEN ARTS COMMISSION By Abbi Sanchez 60 SAGA GRANTS MAKING AN IMPACT By Melissa Huggins 64 FUN WAYS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SPOKANE VALLEY ARTS AND A CHANCE TO WIN A $1,000 1312 N. Monroe St. Suite #246 Spokane,Washington 99201 509-995-9958 ISSUE No. 25 By Chandler Baird & Brit Motzkus By Gail Bongiovanni 68 art chowder marketplace 71 advertiser directory P ublisher Dean Cameron [email protected] A dvertising & S ales Ginny Brennan [email protected] C reative D irector & E ditorial D esigner Rebecca Lloyd [email protected] P hotography C redit Creative Life Spokane Counting Coup Media E ditor & P roofreader Ann Contois [email protected] C ontributing W riters : Dean Cameron Karen Mobley Melville Holmes Kathryn Brogdon C ontributing W riters : M.J. Hudon Melissa Huggins Eric Cook Gail Bongiovanni Chandler Baird Abbi Sanchez Brit Motzkus C over A rtist : Erik Lindbergh www.artch o w d er. co m January | February 2020 5