Art Chowder January | February, Issue 25 | Page 4

From the Publisher Dean Cameron Art + Diversification I have recently attended several arts events which have made me become very intrigued with the diversification of how many types of art are created. Oftentimes, we look at the mainstream and do not spend enough time looking at the unique. Our previous issue featured Gina Freuen creating wood-fired ceramics. We have also been pleased to share amazing leather art from Annie Libertini and of course many styles of paintings, sculpture and glass art — by fantastic visual artists from all over the Northwest — including the paintings by Ladd Bjorneby in this issue. We are excited to showcase in these pages, Erik Lindbergh (grandson of Charles Lindbergh), creating his nature-inspired sculptures from wood, metal and found objects. For your opportunity to participate in the fun, our regional art associations continue to share their many ongoing “happenings.” Our performing artists and culinary artists add spice and flavor to our region, rivaling those of anywhere in the world. It is our pleasure to launch into a new year by continuing to explore all the arts and culture our region has to offer and share it with you, our readers. Please also look for the many regional organizations we are supporting through our subscription outreach program. It is a unique way to promote the organizations, the artists and artistic businesses — creating a positive quality of life right here in our backyard. For more information please feel free to send me an email [email protected]. Here’s to 2020! May it be the most exciting, visually stimulating, entertaining and taste-filled year to date. Thank you, Dean Cameron 4 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE