Art Chowder January | February, Issue 25 | Page 36

Khambatta Dance Company performance at the Seattle International Dance Festival, 2019 photo: Marcia Davis T he department’s program Dance Presents! came about as the result of the new endowment, which enables Gonzaga to bring professional dance to Spokane while increasing opportunities for theatre and dance students to gain hands-on experience working with professional dance productions. “The reason it’s a big deal,” says Ostersmith, “is because there is no presenting organization in our region.” She’s right. Unlike the situation with the short-lived Spokane Ballet Company of the 1980s, the center of the Inland Northwest now has a presenting entity and a permanent performance space! 36 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE As a sort of first installment, in November 2019 Dance Presents! brought Khambatta Dance Company and Forthun+Rome Dance Theater to perform in concert with the Gonzaga University Repertory Dance Company. Khambatta Dance Company, initially founded by Cyrus Khambatta at New York University in 1986, became a formal performing and touring company in 1990, eventually moving to Seattle. CarliAnn Forthun and Ethan Rome, both dancers with Khambatta Dance Company, also create independent works of their own. Together, Khambatta and Forthun+Rome represent the high end of contemporary dance, merging athleticism with artistic excellence. It was a great chance for the Gonzaga Repertory Dance Company to perform Forthun+Rome’s choreography alongside them, truly an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day. “Dance Presents! will now happen every November,” says Ostersmith, “because of the endowment. We will hopefully always include things like workshops and class visits as part of the programming. So yes, this year the master class is happening as an opportunity for Gonzaga dance students and the dance community to get to partake in a master class with these wonderful artists.”