Art Chowder January | February, Issue 25 | Page 35

Suzanne Ostersmith photo: Gonzaga University, Bridget Carey The Center’s main stage has the built-in features to accommodate various performance types, whether a symphony orchestra, a stage play, or with its adjustable orchestra pit, an opera or a ballet. Particularly in regard to dance, the possibilities have grown enormously. Largely owed to this new educational and performance venue, Gonzaga’s Theatre and Dance Department now has the resources to offer a dance major, concentrating in either pedagogy or performance. The list of course offerings is formidable, allowing students to fine-tune their areas of specialization. Beyond this, Gonzaga’s Academic Dance program — founded in 2000 by Suzanne Ostersmith, assistant professor of theater and dance — has received a generous endowment named in her honor, especially devoted to dance performance presentation. Suzanne Ostersmith photo: Gonzaga University, Bridget Carey January | February 2020 35