Art Chowder January | February, Issue 19 | Page 67

Quiero Flamenco. They are hosting their third live performance of flamenco at the Bing Crosby Theater on February 23, 2019, at 8pm. The show, entitled Aire, will explore the dynamics, from subtlety to power, of air. The performance will incorporate the manton or Spanish shawl, the fan or abanico, capes, an aerial artist, and bata de colas (flowing train dresses). All of these harness the power and beauty of air — providing a stark contrast to the powerful sound generated by the singing, dancing and percussion — produced by a full complement of flamenco musicians and dancers being brought to Spokane for this February performance. We hope you can come join us on Saturday, March 2nd at DanceFest 2019. Celebrate the many diverse styles of dance in a two-hour show beginning at 1pm or participate in a workshop starting at 10am. This show is FREE to the public, and you can help support the festival by buying raffle tickets at the event for some wonderful gift baskets donated by the performers. Contact: Gail Bongiovanni 509-922-4493 [email protected] DANCEFEST 2019 19 YEARS IN CELEBRATION OF DANCE SPOKANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAIR AUDITORIUM SATURDAY, MARCH 2 2019 Presented by Inland Northwest Dance Association January | February 2019 67