Art Chowder January | February 2023 Issue 43 | Page 30

This book is dedicated to authors , their creative muses , and the craft of writing .”

“ Indelible ” ( book one ) and “ Iconoclast ” ( book two ), Laurie Buchanan begins with this dedication :
“ This book is dedicated to authors , their creative muses , and the craft of writing .”
It is a testimony to Buchanan ’ s desire to help other authors find their way in the ever-evolving modern world of publication .
Find Laurie Buchanan on her website : www . lauriebuchanan . com , or scan the QR code below .
She can also be found on Twitter : @ TuesWithLaurie , and on Facebook : Laurie Buchanan , author .
She has an author page on Amazon : Laurie Buchanan , PhD .
In addition to her Sean McPherson novels , she has published two non-fiction titles , “ Note to Self ” and “ The Business of Being .” Visit her website and click on each title to find out more , including links to several outlets to purchase her books .
Laurie Buchanan will be speaking at the Spokane Authors & Self-Publishers group at their January 12 , 2023 , meeting in Spokane , Washington . The meeting will be held at the Shadle Public Library , 2111 West Wellesley Avenue , at 2:00 pm . The public is invited to attend .