bill for what she had in mind . “ Now it was time to play God , as I took on the role of the fiction writer ,” Buchanan remarked .
Before she entered the world of hybrid publishing , Buchanan had a literary agent . The agent kept her first book for two years with no results . “ No one is more passionate about my work than me ,” Buchanan says . So she explored her options and decided on SparkPress and one of their imprints , She Writes Press , a female-run company . She Writes Press was the first hybrid to be awarded “ Independent Publisher of the Year ” by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals group . Buchanan has every confidence in She Writes Press , as their parent company has committed to publishing her series , and she has contracted to do at least seven Sean McPherson books . Number three , “ Impervious ,” is scheduled to be released on April 4 , 2023 .
The passion Buchanan has for her writing is evidenced not only in the final product but also in the way she works . Every day she writes for two hours , walks two miles , and repeats twice more for six hours of writing and six miles of walking . While she walks , she takes a camera with her and takes lots of pictures , some of which make it onto her Instagram account . Her pictures and her walking are her muses . working for someone else . Schedule your work time , but don ’ t do charts or graphs . She encourages them to have a good idea of where the story is going — to have the big picture in mind . “ What you don ’ t want to do is feel locked in . Do what feels right and feels good to you ,” she advises .
“ The word gets out if you
Buchanan reviews other writers ’ books but will only write a review for a book she ’ s read if she can , in good conscience , give it at least three stars . “ I don ’ t like negativity ,” she says , “ so what ’ s the point of writing a review if I have to say bad things about the author or their book ?”
In both her Sean McPherson fiction novels ,
Not only does she discipline herself to walk and write , but she is also active on social media . “ Social media is about being social ,” Buchanan says . “ That means showing up every day .” She posts three times a day and has a large number of followers . She promotes other people because she knows that what goes around comes around . She also gives talks at libraries and schools . “ The word gets out if you show up ,” Buchanan says .
Her advice to young writers is to work every day , just like you would if you were
January | February 2023 29