Art Chowder January | February 2017, Issue 7 | Page 15
Are there certain subjects
that you are particularly
drawn to for inspiration?
Color, nature, new experiences, places, people, faces, the underwater world,
that which is ethereal,
connection, and the feminine are all inspirations
to me, to name a few. I
sometimes work with a
specific subject for reference, and when I do, it’s
typically a face that I can’t
resist painting.
However, my favorite way
to make art is to begin the
creation in a meditative
state where I merely observe as a painting creates
itself. I’ll pour and mix and
watch the paint, and continue this process layer after layer, until an image or
concept begins to emerge.
At that point I will work to
support the idea that has
surfaced. This process is
renewing and spiritual for
me, and the resulting imagery often comes unexpectedly.
Where can we see and find out
more about your work?
I have some small drawings on
wood and earrings available at the
Museum of Arts and Culture.
My work can be viewed at:
W W W . D A R C Y L E E A R T. C O M
Calming Current
January|February 2017 15