ART 100 MENTOR Invent Yourself/ ART 100 MENTOR Invent Yourself/ | Page 21

· A 4- to 7-minute podcast or video =================================================== ART 100 Week 5 Concept FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . art100mentor . com
Select one genre of cinema such as comedy , tragedy , melodrama , and so forth .
Write a pitch for a movie that discusses the story and one person or object that is symbolic . Explain the symbolic significance of your person or object . In your pitch , summarize the setting , main plot , at least two main characters , and the theme .
Next , imagine you are staging a scene from your movie script as a stage play to generate interest from producers . What decisions would you make in terms of staging , such as stage design , actors , and other elements of the theater ?
Submit your assignment in one of the following formats :
· A 350- to 700-word paper

· A 4- to 7-minute podcast or video =================================================== ART 100 Week 5 Concept FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . art100mentor . com

Review Week Five concepts by completing the following :
· If you were to have a work of art created to express your experiences as a student , what would it be ? What would it look like ? How would it communicate your experience in terms of its composition ?
Submit a summary of your responses .