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ART 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Symbolism in Theater and Cinema ( 2 Papers )

ART 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Symbolism in Theater and Cinema ( 2 Papers )

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This tutorial contains 2 different Papers
Complete one of the following options for your Week Four Assignment .
Option A
When is a shark just a shark ? Consider the movie Jaws . What could the shark symbolize in our culture , society , or collective human mythology other than a man-eating fish ? Why ? Support your answer .
Next , think about a theatrical staging of Jaws . Describe the artistic choices you would make to bring Jaws the movie to Broadway . What genre would you choose ? Describe at least three other elements of production and how you would approach them in your staging of Jaws as a stage play or musical .
Submit your assignment in one of the following formats :
· A 350- to 700-word paper
· A 4- to 7-minute podcast or video Option B