ARRC Journal 2018 | Page 14

ARRC JOURNAL Conclusion Objectives A StratCom mindset has to: • Start with a desired endstate not an activity; • Understand that communication is a Review and refresh the approach after each phase of the campaign Audience Insight key objective to all activity, and that all activity communicates; • Be able to view our activities (both words and deeds) through audiences’ eyes, ears and brain. Strategy/Idea the • Understand that sound tactical action may have adverse strategic effects; we may win the battle but lose the war! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Implementation Feedback to optimise implementation Scoring/Evaluation So What? It is vital that all personnel in an organisation understandand are aligned to a StratCom mindset, thereby ensuring that finite resources are focussed on the desired end state and its supporting objectives. If they do not, energy and effort will be wasted on non-essential activities, and well-meaning tactical activity could undermine the strategic intent. But what does this mean for the NATO Military structure? Objectives: NATO’s ‘raison d’etre’ is the deterrence of potential adversaries, and reassurance of alliance members and their populations. Both of these are communication effects – so NATO’s key output is communications. Consequently. Commanders at all levels need to ensure that measurable effects for all activities conducted by their organisation include the delivery of one or both of these effects; and communications form part of all initial scoping and planning. Audiences: NATO has 29 Allies, numerous partners, and several potential adversaries. Those audiences span a huge range of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity; each with a deeply ingrained narrative. Understanding each, communicating with each, and ensuring that those communications are mutually supporting and do not contradict each other is a huge task that can only be done if Alliance and National capabilities are brigaded and aligned; a role ideal for the NFS. 14 Wg Cdr Peter Clarke is currently Chief PAO in the Joint Fires and Influence Branch at HQ Allied Rapid Corps. ALLIED RAPID REACTION CORPS Strategy: While nationally, politicians have no concerns messaging their populations to achieve a desired effect, the same is not true of external organisations, however friendly. This gives the NFS a key role in enabling, coordinating and supporting bi-lateral NATO/National communications to their home audiences. Implementation: To be effective, NATO communications need to be conducted at all levels; making clear direction and delegation essential. NATO StratCom Frameworks, correctly used, enable NCS/NFS personnel to effectively direct their organisations communications outputs; and to understand when and how to get direction if they are unsure. Deterrence of potential adversaries is a fundamental role for NATO