Aroostook County Tourism Marketing Plan 2024-2025 | Page 12

12 MTMPP 2024 / 25 Marketing Plan May 23 , 2023


The 2024 / 25 budget requests $ 250,000 in funding from MOT with a cash match of $ 15,250 and inkind match of over $ 11,030 . Together this creates a marketing program total of $ 276,910 . The top priority of ACT is to keep administrative costs low to allow more funds to go directly to ad buys .
$ 50,000 of the total funding from MOT is utilized as Administrative Allocation as outlined in the grant guidelines and pays for salaries , benefits , staff mileage , and board member mileage . Cash match to the program comes from NMDC staff working directly on ACT related projects , revenue from ad sales , and the donation of a hotel room for the Weekend Getaway Giveaway . In-kind match is calculated at $ 35 / hour and accounts for 12 ACT Board Members ’ time donated to meetings , staffing of trade shows , and the Aroostook County Tourism Summit .
ACT has developed a detailed budget as an attachment to this marketing plan .
The 2024 / 25 budget continues the always-on marketing approach while increasing broadcast , advertorial , and Canadian advertising to reach a larger geographical audience . The budget as presented allows ACT to increase the amount of time staff may complete the work and grow the industry in northern Maine .