ACT MTMPP Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2023 through June 30 , 2024
County with a vision of working together on future projects . No funds were expended on this project as funds were reallocated to the web design project of www . visitaroostook . com .
• All Aroostook County Presidents and Secretaries were invited by email to attend the May 8 th Aroostook County Tourism Summit
• One ATV itinerary was written and published .
• User-generated photography and video was captured from this group by the photo drive and MOT completed a fall photoshoot of ATVing in Houlton .
• The conversation of mapping the ATV trails of the region on one paper-printed map have begun .
Fulfillment : ACT continues fulfillment responsibilities with the highest level of attention . ACT partners with NMDC staff member Judy Dinsmore to staff the toll-free hotline , email inquiries , and mailing of fulfillment packages directly to prospective visitors . The density and frequency of inquiries depend on the season and marketing campaign , it is reasonable to assume 50 fulfillment packages are mailed every two weeks .
ACT continues to maintain a supply of eight print marketing materials for distribution to all seven MTA Visitor Information Centers , five Aroostook County chambers of commerce , and customer-facing businesses / points of interest that meet a high level of customer service ( such as hotels , the Fort Kent Block House Information Center , Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge , etc .).
ACT has migrated all requests for stakeholder information and visitor requests to move through the newly built www . visitaroostook . com . Email inquiries and electronic mailing requests from visitors go directly to NDMC staff .
Professional Development : Mandatory MOT In-Person Augusta Meetings – Staff attended the required in-person meeting in Augusta in the month of November with Hannah Collins and Steve Lyons . Governors Conference on Tourism – staff attended the required two-day conference in Portland in the month of April . Maine Tourism Association ’ s Annual Meeting – Staff attended the MTA annual meeting for the AI workshops and displayed the ACT summer booth in the month of May .
Community Outreach : Incomplete grant activity , on schedule . ACT continues to grow its stakeholder email list to move highquality tools and opportunities out to organizations and businesses in the region . ACT staff and board members are actively networking all the time with speaking engagements , and presentations , and being a part of the communities of northern Maine . Our goal is for businesses to realize we are a tool they can leverage to grow . A stakeholder section of the new website promises to provide clear navigation for existing tools and partners a stakeholder may want to leverage .
• Eclipse o Monthly Open Forum – zoom meeting o Staff Up & Stock Up – toolkit
• https :// drive . google . com / drive / folders / 1DcFe7uxUR _ -zNideX53_ qtB9UTMgIq _ z ? usp = drive _ link o Take Tuesday Too – media kit
• Aroostook County Ski Report