Aroostook County MTMPP Grant Report 2025 | Page 8

ACT MTMPP Grant Report | Final | July 1 , 2023 through June 30 , 2024
have been ordered through Franklin Printing Company in Farmington at a cost of $ 18,900 . Every year the cost to print the guidebook has gone up .
The 14,000 guidebooks ordered in 2023 were completely distributed through the MTA visitor centers , the Ocean Gateway in Portland , Amtrak Station in Portland , Portland International Airport , Bangor International Airport , Presque Isle International Airport , Gilmores Restaurant in Lincoln , Grand Bellies Restaurant in Medway , MOT and ACT Tradeshows , and in-region hotels and chambers of commerce .
Regional Map - RFQ The regional mapping project is the sister piece of the regional guidebook and this project has not been refreshed since 2019 when the last edition was completed by Thalo Blue . The project was scheduled to be completed in June of 2024 by the Protos Agency in Portland , but due to delays in the website project the regional mapping was pushed back . 15,000 maps have been ordered through Franklin Printing Company in Farmington at a cost of $ 6,200 .
US Bike Route 501 & St . John Valley Fish River National Scenic Byway Two separate Media Kits were created for two new tourism assets in the region and were deployed . The kits include suggested and official language , photography , logos , maps , print materials , and door clings . These assets were distributed through the ACT Stakeholder Email , a press release written to local media ( printed article and WAGM news stories obtained , and printed information delivered to businesses on the routes .
At this time the US Bike Route signs are painted and sitting in the Maine DOT Garage in Caribou with no date set as to when they will be installed .
• US Bike Route 501 : https :// drive . google . com / drive / folders / 1f4X _ uI6KXaZTBqszX6rvblTiulTuZnws ? usp = drive _ link
• St . John Valley / Fish River National Scenic Byway : https :// drive . google . com / drive / folders / 10AiJMcaZGez95E5B4j9KOr-9iDumvwiD ? usp = drive _ link
Maine Tourism Association : o Membership – paid as required and all print materials are displayed in all seven state visitor information centers . o Video Placements – Hampton North , Yarmouth , and Kittery Visitor Information Centers feature 1:00-minute video advertisements depicting seasonally appropriate activity videos . It is estimated an ACT video is played once every 8 minutes during regular business hours of operation . At the end of this performance period , ACT discontinued this ad placement . o Poster Displays – Hampton North , Kittery Visitor Information Centers feature backlit 20 ” x 30 ” poster stills depicting festivals and snowmobiling in The County . At the end of this performance period , ACT discontinued this ad placement .
ATV Mapping Relationship building took place with a great deal of listening to visitor needs and the clubs in the region . A contact list has been scraped from ATV Maine to create easy contact with all ATV clubs in Aroostook