Army Sustainment VOLUME 46, ISSUE 5 | Page 25

orders, about 90 days before IOC. USAREUR published its operation order three weeks later, directing the 21st Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) to provide overall mission command for passenger transit center operations. The order also directed contracting and engineering activities to establish the passenger terminal, customs facilities, and baggage storage areas on the temporary forward operating site. Once the COA was established and the infrastructure designed to facilitate the logical flow of transit center operations, manning and resourcing capabilities became the key concerns for the success of the operation. Human Resources All operational planners should apply the global force management (GFM) process. Understanding the flow and timeline of the GFM and Secretary of Defense Orders Book process is crucial for all planners in an operational headquarters. For operations at MK, USAREUR’s available force pool did not have all the capabilities needed to meet the mission requirements identified during mission analysis and COA development. For example, all movement control teams assigned to USAREUR were either deployed or in the Army Force Generation reset phase. In conjunction with the USAREUR G–3/5 GFM branch, planners created requests for forces (RFFs) to meet movement control, law enforcement, customs, human resources, postal, facility engineering, religious support, and firefighting requirements. Before receiving the joint staff and EUCOM execute orders to conduct the passenger transit center mission, USAREUR provided EUCOM with the draft RFF. For MK, the shortfalls identified and subm