ARMY Magazine - Special Issues ARMY Magazine Yoongi Special Edition | Page 28

One of the reasons for BTS' success, according to Yoongi, is the focus on singing about their own experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It's this authenticity, this desire to not only be heard but to be a method of help for the world, that resonated with so many people. Yoongi, in particular, sought out music as a career path for that very reason: "When I think back to when I was a student, I listened to a lot of music, and it was a way for me to escape and to reassure my self." Thinking of how much music has influenced his life for the better, One In An ARMY decided to celebrate Yoongi's birthday by partnering with the Playing For Change Foundation in Patagonia, Argentina. The Playing For Change Foundation (PFC) is an international program that uses music to break boundaries and overcome distances between people. Mark Johnson, the creator of the foundation, says he owes the start of the organization to a street perform er he observed on one of his travels. Mark had fallen in love with the man's voice and asked him why he sang on the streets when he could easily win the hearts of even the toughest CEO. The man said that he had no desire for fame, just to be in "the business of making people happy." It's that philosophy that allows Playing For Change to spread throughout the world and bring the power of music to those who need it most. The organization believes understanding culture is an important step to teaching people about music. Music holds different meaning and significance depending on the culture. Once they are able to identify this and share it with their students, the emphasis on the student's culture creates something magical - something that all ARMY s are familiar with. PFC does exactly that. They teach dance, traditional music, hip hop, graphic arts, and instrument making as well as Mapuche and English language classes.