ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.7 - JUNE 2019 | Page 23

The shadow, according to Dr. Stein’s writing partners Leonard Cruz and Ste- ven Buser, “comprises [of] the sum of what we cannot consciously embrace.” Within the unconscious parts of our psyche, the shadow is all that the conscious mind finds unacceptable or repulsive. Eventually, the mind, represented by the ego, represses those into the unconscious realm, allowing our thoughts, memories, or experiences to join the shadow. ation can begin when the shadow and the anima/animus are released and accepted, thereby opening a “crack” between who I feel I am now and who I have appeared to be in the eyes of myself and those around me. While this can be frightening, it is a crit- ical piece of the process of finding our true selves and being able to speak ourselves. What BTS has done with their message, a message that Dr. Stein and his colleagues deeply support, is declaring that life is worth living. They are dedicated to marrying mu- The shadow is not meant to be neg- sic and universal messages of acceptance ative though. Dr. Stein is quick to point and love, not only of others but, and per- haps more importantly, of ourselves. They out that every part of the psyche is im- suggest that ARMYs stop comparing our- portant and should be equally respect- selves to others, find something we want to do, and make it our own. This is how we ed. The process of individuation asks as ARMY will begin to speak ourselves; by each of us to embrace all facets of the telling our stories, convictions, and dreams. Only then can we begin to shed our perso- self with a degree of acceptance. na, embrace our shadow, and know our Stein argues that, as part of human na- name. As Dr. Murray Stein points out, “This ture, most of us try to figure out who we is every person’s challenge.” are: it is “not optional, not conditional, not subject to…cultural differences.” Individu- Bibliography Stein, Murray. (2019). Map of the Soul – Persona: Our Many Faces. Asheville, NC: Chiron Publications. 23