ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.4 - FEB 2019 | Page 26

BTS' message of loving onesetf is something that has been imposs ib·le to miss in their previous eras. lit hasn' t always b,een this way, however, ''one man in his time pl ay s many parts''. The boys have changed and grown, and so has their mindset ab,out love -· its definrtion, beauty, and people's ap,p,roach towards rt. it l starts from an innocent romance, to something deeper yet wrong, which leads to getting hurt and moving on. Then going around in circles to the b,reakthrough of finding self-actualiza­ tion and realization of a deeper, stronger love. ' No More Dream'' ' era, ln the ' ' the young BTS.' imp,ression of love was a simple, more immature one - '''II Like ll l t" similar to a youthful crush. l n from 2 Cool 4 Skool, RM frets ''On every picture you post, a guy I've never seen before likes it .. Who is he?''The theme of a more in1n1ocenit sch1ool rendezvou1s. is further exp,lored on Skoal Lu1v Affair, in wh1ich we meet the ''whining schoolboy, with his satchel I and shining momingf ace I creeping like snail unwillingly to school''. The single "Boy In Lurv" is. a typical high1 school romance song, with BTS strugglin1g to talk to th1eir crush.