ARMY Magazine - Monthly Issues ARMY Magazine ISSUE NO.2 - DEC 2018 | Page 23

how things should be and trying to keep that alive, disregarding how much it was actually leaving them lost and wanting to reach an answer. Tear is feeling, embracing, and understanding what Face Yourself was introducing. Once they had faced their reality, it only left them with the choice of staying in denial To get on the path to loving yourself you have to face yourself, and that is how this album was formatted to be. One of the aspects that is most impressive about BTS is that most of their songs, if not all, are written and delivered in such a way that they can be felt and interpreted differently depending of what you are going through. There is no right way to feel when it comes to music, it just speaks to you. BTS speaks to many of us for many different reasons, but they lead us all to a similar answer of sorts: That accepting yourself for who you are is what will make your heart feel lighter, and ultimately put us on that path to loving ourselves with no shame. 20