Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 3

Letter From The Editor

I'm very excited and pleased to bring you this months edition of the Army Informer. Within you'll find an introduction to our new franchise Resistance 3 and our Mercenaries squad “The Sentinels”. The Sentinels are eager to join the resistance and ready for animated blood with their Gamebattles team thanks to RMY-Bluerazgriz. Also within you'll find my article “Sharing in the Hope”; here you'll learn about how Console Army has joined the fight against diseases like cancer. We are now apart of a worldwide community of gamers that share their gaming power by donating their PS3s when not in play to Folding@Home. I am proud to introduce our new Folding Team: Folding@ConsoleArmy. I encourage you all to read my article and join us in the Hope.

Until next month,

Game On and God Bless
