Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 19

virus that causes its victims to fall into a coma and slowly transforms them into Chimera. This process is sped up through Conversion Centres that are featured in both Resistance games. The Conversion Centres act as a testing ground for new breeds of Chimera such as the Fury which was not featured in Fall of Man.

This time around, the action in Resistance 3 is focused a lot more on survival than in the previous games. A cure for the Chimeran virus was developed by Malikov by the end of Resistance 2, which allows Sentinels to survive without inhibitor treatments. The Sentinels were an elite group of Soldiers that were granted superhuman abilities due to them having being infected with the Chimeran strain, but were kept in check with inhibitors that stops the virus from advancing and mutating the Sentinels. The cure developed by Malikov was given to Capelli sometime in-between the end of Resistance 2 and the start of Resistance 3 which meant that Capelli has lost his regenerative abilities. This is implemented into the game by having a health bar, similar to the one featured in Fall of Man. The health bar does not regenerate like in Resistance 2; there was no health bar but there was a regenerative health system similar to mainstream modern shooters like Call of Duty. Having a non-regenerating health bar forces the player to constantly be on the lookout for health packs or stim-packs or whatever they call them in the Resistance Universe and will make the game far more