Army Informer Army Informer August | Page 18

Resistance 3: Early September sees the continuation of one of Playstation’s most successful first person shooter series to date, Resistance. Instead of taking control of Nathan Hale, the main protagonist from the previous two games; you take control of Joseph Capelli, one of the main support characters from Resistance 2. Joseph makes his way from the deep underground to New York in order to deliver a devastating blow to the alien forces that have conquered the now desolated United States. Alongside Capelli, Dr. Fyodor Malikov makes a return as a supporting character in which, from the trailers at least, shows that at least half the story of Resistance 3 revolves around Malikov and could possibly delve deeper into his past involvement with the Chimera.

Resistance is a series that takes place in an alternate history around the 1950’s, where an alien species known as the Chimera has taken over Russia, whilst continuing to expand through Europe, Britain and the United States. The Chimera expands their forces by taking humans and infecting them with a mutagenic