Armenian Progressive Youth NGO Youth-workers-against-extremism-and-xenophobia-Fin | Page 6

The participants will be explained what is forum theater and will be given time to prepare a forum theater about the appearance of Extremism in their home countries(using the information about the homework). 3-3 Extremism in Europe, Changing Face of Europe(90 minutes) The participants present their Forum theatres and invite the participants to take part in role plays. 4-1 Extreme Ideologies in Europe-National group-work(90 minutes) The facilitator explains the participants that during the next half an hour they will work in their National teams and prepare a poster presentation about the Extremism situation in their countries. They need to take note that this time they need to prepare more solid and statistical information about the issues. 4-4-Intercultural Misunderstanding and How to Deal with it(60 minutes) The participants are working in national groups. (Recommendation to NGO-s, Recommendation to youngsters, recommendation to victims, recommendation to the oppressed). Intercultural Evening One of the evenings will be the intercultural night where the participants will present their countries, culture, and traditions. We suggest you bring with you pieces of your culture; food, drinks, traditional clothes, music and everything that you consider as a part of your culture. With the help of the social committee consisted of the participants we will organize the intercultural evening together. HINTS from the project team Though in summers it is warm in Vienna, it often rains. We suggest you take raincoats or umbrellas upon possibilities. 6