Armenian Progressive Youth NGO APY. 6 Years with Young People | Página 3

These are the days when organizations assess their annual activities, business companies count their overall income, universities start their winter sessions, radio and TV give final touches to their holiday themed programs, shopaholics try out the ultimate Christmas discounts, friends send postcards to each other, Christmas Bazaar is in its full swing on the Northern Avenue; all are busy, all want perfect holidays.

Yet, there are so many families living in poverty in Armenia. They do not know how to get ready for holidays as they can not even heat up their houses; electricity and gas prices have gone high, food is expensive, and basically everything is expensive. The rank of the unemployment is high, especially of the youth unemployment. These are the things we have to care the most about.

As a young person I totally feel my generation and understand how to difficult is to path our own ways in our own country under hard conditions facing different challenges, but at the same time I do believe that it is our generation which breaks the barriers, removes the obstacles, does not want to tolerate the injustice, which gives hope for the future. We want to create, invest and live a descent life in our own country. We are on a mission and we need to accomplish it.

A group of young people who also share all these thoughts established a youth organization with a clear aim to empower other young people several years ago.

This year Armenian Progressive Youth NGO already celebrates its 6th anniversary and I am proud and excited to present you our New Year Issue which discloses some moments of our work through the big 2015 and spreads some light on how we really started as an organization, what we believed in and what kind of vision we have in youth work.

Have a nice read!





I stood looking out of the window; it is so sunny outside, feels like late Autumn but we are in the middle of December and I can already smell the buzz of New Year.

We gradually step into 2016, just a few days left to go.

So many things happened in one year, so many things are yet to happen. World is changing, time runs fast, life becomes more challenging, all those changes influence our lives and we change too.

Nelly Paytyan

APY Project Coordinator

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"Every young person holds a talent inside, a big potential to make our country much better and we just can't let it go."