Arlington Ridge Newsletter July 20 | Page 3

g olf n ot i c e JULY 2020 g olf n ot i c e Is it HOT yet? Well some of us have difference of opinions on what is hot or not. Either way, during these summer months it is extremely important to keep your body hydrated with water and keep sunscreen applied while out in the sun. I am sure I do not have to go into the importance and the potential side effects if you do not. So, for all of us, let’s take a few moments to allow us to enjoy Arlington Ridge along with the comradery of each other that much longer. The golf shop has you covered for all your sun protection and hydration needs! Come see me if you have any questions on what you should be using. Let’s talk about the mental side of the game for a moment. Have you ever been in the situation where you have hit a bad shot, then hit another…and another? Have you ever thought that your slip in performance could be based on your body’s hydration levels? Staying hydrated has a bigger impact on you and your game than you know. Have you ever figured that when you get thirsty on the course your imagery for the golf swing has already slowed considerably? When you are out in the sun during the summer months be sure to have plenty of water on hand. Staying hydrated and protecting you skin is more important than you think. Be safe. Quick reminder, booking windows for booking tee times…. ARGC members – 30 days Arlington Ridge Residents – 14 days (discounted rates apply from public) Public Golfers – 14 Days JULY 3 |