Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 5
Element 3 – Facility Requirements establishes the critical aircraft and physical planning criteria based
on AC 150/5300‐13A, Airport Design, in preparation of a needs assessment for airside and landside fa‐
cilities. A detailed study of the airfield’s capacity will also be undertaken based upon the projected
demand forecasts.
Element 4 – Development Alternatives considers a variety of solutions to accommodate airside and
landside facility needs during the 10‐year planning period. Airside alternatives will focus on the ability
of the airfield to provide for safe and efficient aircraft operations and to accommodate expected gen‐
eral aviation demand. The focus of landside alternatives will center on maximizing the use of vacant
land to spur additional aviation growth while also analyzing the redevelopment of certain areas on air‐
port property to best meet future demands.
Element 5 – Environmental Overview analyzes potential environmental impacts generated by the rec‐
ommended development program for the airport.
Element 6 – Airport Plans provides a graphic and narrative description of the recommended plan for
the use, development, and operation of the airport following input from the PAC, TxDOT, FAA, City of
Arlington officials, and the general public. A set of Airport Layout Plan (ALP) drawings will be devel‐
oped to depict existing and proposed facilities, approaches, and land use. The drawing set will meet
FAA and TxDOT requirements used in determining grant funding eligibility.
Element 7 – Financial Program develops a detailed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the airport
that includes schedules, costs, and funding sources for the recommended development projects.
Strategies for the management and economic enhancement of the airport are also included.
Element 8 – Deliverables include printing and delivering final documents which depict all the findings
of the study effort. This task also includes efforts to present the study and its recommendations to ap‐
propriate local governmental bodies. The final document shall incorporate the elements previously
detailed into a usable document. The approval process will include a presentation of the Development
Plan document to the City of Arlington Economic Development Committee and the Arlington City
Council for ultimate approval/adoption.
Exhibit A provides a graphical depiction of the elements and process involved with the study.
Introduction - 4